Improving The Health Of Our Trees

Four Ways Homeowners May Accidentally Kill Their Own Trees

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Mature trees aren’t just attractive; they’re also worth quite a lot of money. For a homeowner, a tree that is ten or twenty years old could be worth many thousands of dollars. Because of that, it’s often ideal to hire a professional arborist to inspect and care for the tree at least periodically. There are many ways you could accidentally kill a tree if you don’t care for it properly.  Read More»

Looking To Increase The Rent On Your Rental? Enhance Curb Appeal With Trees

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Renting out your property and living in the home are two unique living situations. As the owner, you should feel confident making adjustments or additions that cater to what you want in a home. When managing a rental, you want to do things that make it tempting for a person to put in an application. Beautifying the front with a bold front door, fresh exterior paint job, and a healthy lawn will help, but you can take it a step further by incorporating trees into your rental to drastically improve the curb appeal. Read More»

Three Pitfalls To Avoid When You're Using A Rented Stump Grinder In Your Backyard

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If you have some experience working with large outdoor machines for DIY projects, renting a stump grinder to remove a tree stump in the middle of your backyard instead of hiring someone else must be a tempting option. But while a stump grinder isn’t so complicated that an amateur can’t use it effectively, you’ll need to be a little more cautious than you would be with a lawnmower. When you’re using a rented stump grinder in your backyard, remember to avoid these three pitfalls. Read More»

2 Types Of Beetles That Can Infest Your Western White Pine

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The western white pine tree is a tall, narrow noble-looking pine tree that has beautiful green needles, a grayish white bark, and long dangling cones. The western white pine tree is an amazing accent to any property or large yard but only if the tree is kept healthy and thriving. Part of keeping the tree thriving is to watch out for a couple of the insects that can target, feed on, and damage the western white pine tree. Read More»

Renovation Steps After Stump Removal

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It’s a wise decision to remove a sickly or dead tree from your lawn, both from a safety and an aesthetic standpoint. The issue is what to do with the stump after the tree comes down. Stump grinding is generally the preferred solution. It’s quick and it doesn’t require any heavy equipment to be driven onto the lawn. The following guide can help you recover the area after the stump is ground away. Read More»