Improving The Health Of Our Trees

Can A Tree Service Save Your Dying Tree?

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Do you have a tree in your yard that appears to really be ailing? Maybe it is losing leaves or they are turning yellow. Some branches may already be dead, and others look wilted and sad. In many cases, removing the tree is going to be the best choice. But if you are really attached to the tree, a tree service might be able to save it with one or more of the following services. Read More»

Tree Trimming: It's About The Quality Of The Cuts

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When trimming a tree, how do you approach the task? Some people lop off branches as fast as they can. Others take their time and are more precise with their cuts. In general, if you have the time to do so, you are usually better off being careful with your cuts. The quality of your cuts, after all, does impact the way the trim affects the tree and how it heals. Read More»

5 Care Tips For Second Year Trees

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A regular maintenance plan begins for newly planted saplings in the second spring after planting, after the trees have begun to establish their roots in the soil. That second year can be the most labor-intensive in terms of regular maintenance, but the reward is a healthy and easier-to-care-for tree in the future. 1. Structural Pruning The first pruning of a young tree focuses on developing a strong structure that will support the tree throughout its life. Read More»

Getting The Stump Out Of Your Yard After Removing A Large Tree

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Removing a tree from your yard or property may be necessary for many reasons. However, once the tree is cut and removed, you will need to deal with the stump, or it could eventually become a problem.  Stump Grinding One of the most popular stump removal options is to have a stump grinding service chip the stump into little pieces with a stump grinder. The grinder looks like a large saw mounted on a frame, with a circular blade and very aggressive teeth similar to those on a chainsaw. Read More»

What Mistakes Do People Make When Pruning Their Trees?

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Pruning can have an immensely positive impact on the growth and development of your trees. This is because it eliminates the damaged and weak branches and stimulates the growth of better-quality ones. Also, it removes pests and disease-infected parts for healthier growth. However, ensure the person who prunes your trees has the proper training and experience for the best outcome. Here are some mistakes people make during pruning and how to avoid them. Read More»