Improving The Health Of Our Trees

Three Things To Watch Out For After Having A Stump Removed

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If you’re removing a tree from your yard and are planning to have the stump removed, you’re making the right choice. Having a piece of rotting wood taking up space in your yard is not a good idea, and removing the stump lets you reuse the land as you see fit. However, it’s not as simple as removing the wood and adding more soil. Here are three things you need to look out for after you have a stump removed. Read More»

What Are The Signs Of Oak Wilt, And What Can You Do About It?

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Tall, beautiful and majestic, oak trees make for a charming yard and landscape. Unfortunately, they have one major downfall – a disease known as oak wilt. This fungal infection can take a vigorous oak tree and cause it to deteriorate and die within just a year or two. So, if you have oak trees on your property, it pays to know a little about oak wilt and what you can do about it. Read More»

How To Protect Your Trees From Construction Damage

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Nearby construction is one of the things that can cause extreme damage to a tree. Therefore, whether you are constructing a garage or expanding your house, you need to take precautions to preserve the life of your garden trees. Use these measures to ensure the construction doesn’t damage your greenery: Restrict Traffic around the Trees Trees need well-aerated soils to get adequate water and soil. The weight of pedestrians (such as construction workers) and construction equipment (such as excavators) can compact the soil beneath your trees and deny them soil and water. Read More»

3 Reasons To Prune Your Trees Regularly

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Providing Aesthetic Appeal When it comes to curating a neighborhood’s aesthetics, often regulations are put in place that mandate particular types of trees or maintenance. This helps ensure landscapes maintain a certain visual quality that keep the neighborhood looking neat and attractive. Sometimes large trees can obscure views and are trimmed to prevent hindering the horizon. Office parks and shopping malls maintain a particular visual style through trimming their trees, which becomes a part of their brand’s image. Read More»

Structural Pruning Tips For Young Shade Trees

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Structural pruning is a must if you want your young shade trees to grow to be balanced with a healthy framework of main branches. This type of pruning is generally reserved for deciduous trees and it is best done when the trees are young, usually beginning in the year of or the year following planting. Plan to complete structural pruning in late winter, when the trees are still dormant. The only exception is those that are high sap producers in spring, like birch and maples. Read More»