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How to Keep Emerald Ash Borers Away from Your Ash Tree

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Ah, the dreaded emerald ash borer, or EAB. If you have ash trees on your property, you're probably quite fearful of this bright green, pesky beetle. After all, once it invades your tree, there's not a whole lot you can do about it. Some arborists have saved trees with aggressive insecticide injections, but this is costly and there's no guarantee it will work. You're better off taking a preventative approach. Here's how to keep those pesky green beetles far away from your ash tree.

1. Have your tree trimmed annually.

It might seem like a strange idea that trimming would keep bugs away. But here's how that works: trimming keeps the tree healthy, and healthy trees are less prone to EAB invasion. Hire a professional to trim your tree so you can be sure the proper branches are removed. They should focus on removing any damaged or diseased branches, and any that are rubbing on one another. The best time to have the tree trimmed is in late winter or early spring before it has started growing.

2. Don't bring ash wood onto your land.

If you have a fireplace or a wood-burning stove and you need to store firewood, do not buy ash! Since EAB invasions have become so common and so many people have had to take down their ash trees, a good portion of the ash out there is infested with EABs. All it takes is a couple of live bugs in your firewood, and your ash tree will become infested. Choose a different species of firewood.

3. Watch your neighbors'  ash trees.

Keep an eye on the ash trees on your neighbors' properties. You don't have to walk up close and inspect the trees in a way that makes your neighbor nervous and suspicious, but do glance at them now and then. If those ash trees start losing leaves or turning yellow, reach out to your neighbor and ask them to have the trees looked at by an arborist. There's a good chance they're infested by EABs, and if your neighbor does not act quickly, your tree will become infested, too.

4. Have the trees injected.

If EABs are prominent in your area and are starting to take down neighbors' ash trees, then you may want to contact a tree care service and arrange to have your trees injected with insecticides. If a few bugs work their way into the tree, this should hopefully kill them before they have a chance to begin breeding and truly destroy your tree.

EABs are a dangerous, pesky insect for ash trees. Contact companies like Schulhoff Tree & Lawn Care, Inc. to learn more. 
